5 Important Things to Consider When Moving into Your New Home

Moving is an adventure. No matter the reason for a move, a new home is a beacon of transformation, offering an opportunity to reevaluate and adjust parts of your life. The appeal of a fun new space is invigorating too; providing a chance to redefine your decorative style and maybe even add space to take up a new hobby.

Relocating creates a lot of changes in your life that are good, but some can be stressful. It usually comes with a new job, making new friends, finding a new favorite restaurant, and so much more. The fear of having things shuffled around can make what should be an exciting time, a time of unease for some people. The unknown is a scary place to be.

We have all had to move at one point or another in our life, but it is not a thing we do often. By taking some proactive steps to prepare for your move, you can subdue some of the anxiety that comes along with it. Whether you’re moving to a condo in downtown San Diego thats for sale or a ranch in the middle of South Dakota, these tips will help you transition smoothly into your new home.

1. Update Your Mail and Utilities

A lot goes into making a house run. There are services that we often forget about after they’ve been set-up. Be sure to list out these amenities and verify that they will be shut off at the old location and restarted at the new before the moving date arrives.

Common utilities to add to your list are gas, electric, and water services. These offerings, though essential, can be forgotten in the hubbub of a pending move. Depending on where you are moving, you may have several options of provider that you’ll want to check in with to make sure you’re getting the service that best fits your needs.

Additional items that need to be considered before relocating are the services of television, internet, and phone. Your current providers may not be active in the market you will be in, so you may need to shop around for new options. Having a game plan for transferring these services will make sure you are not in for any unwelcome surprises.

One of the first things you should do and one of the last things people think about is to have your mail forwarded. Although a lot of mail content now days is junk, there are important items that you don’t want to get lost or left behind. Contact your local post office and they will be able to walk you through the process.

2. Create a Blueprint for Furniture

Coming into a new home is a great time to consider your furniture arrangement. It may be an excuse to replace the old loveseat or to put your favorite chair in a more central location. By making or accessing a blueprint of your new place, you can decide on the layout before you have stepped foot on the property.

While you arrange your items on paper, don’t forget to allow for space to reach outlets and vents. Go crazy with designs, moving items around and mixing it up, until you find the perfect arrangement for your new home. You can even play around with adding decorative pieces, like statues or rugs.

3. Research Close Service Providers

Many people visit the same doctor or dentist for the majority of their life. When you’re moving, it may not occur to have a plan for who you’ll see in your new location. Prep for the move by reviewing the providers near to your new space. 

There are many ways to go about researching health care professionals, but a good place to start is looking over the network of your insurance provider. This can help you narrow down options in most fields, medical doctors to therapists. Verify that the chosen providers are taking on new clients by phone before you settle on your final choice.

4. Prep the Interior

There are many nooks and crannies in any home; it can be hard to keep them all in good shape. The best way to prepare your new home for moving in is to identify and repair any issues before your furniture gets there. Some areas are prone to be more problematic than others, so checking them out can save you a lot of time in the future.

A good way to take care of potential issues and add a nice touch to your home is to clean and wax any wood flooring. If the home has carpeted areas, renting a carpet steamer to run over the whole space prior to packing it full is an option. Any type of floor can be prepared with fairly simple techniques.

Another place that issues arise is with outlets not working or having loose connections. You can test the viability of outlets with a cheap outlet tester. This tool plugs into the outlet and registers if there is power being put out.

5. Pack the Essentials Together

Being in a new home can take a while to get used to. Even after you unpack, you may not know where everything is during the adjustment period. Having the essential items on hand is important to make an easy transition.

Fill a large travel bag or box with the things you’re most likely to need in the first couple of days. Clothing, a pan, a couple of dishes, and bedding are good options for your essentials box. Having these items readily available will lower your stress levels as the first day draws near.


Moving is an exciting, yet tense time. When you go to a new place, there are several steps that can easily be forgotten. These parts of your move can hit an “oh-no” point, and leave you strained and out of time. 

The simple act of having a game plan can change your experience for the better. By front-loading some of the chores that come along with a new home, you can save yourself time in the end. Then you can sit back and enjoy the ride.