5 Good Reasons to Install Artificial Grass in your Office Space

Artificial grass is something that is now regularly used by homeowners for their lawn, as a playing surface for a number of different sports such as football, rugby and tennis and in children’s play areas. However, over recent times it has become a popular addition to office spaces up and down the country. Artificial grass in an office what’s the point of that you may ask? Well believe or not there are lots of good reason why installing artificial grass into your office is a great idea. So, for the purpose of this article we thought we would have a look at some of the benefits for both the company and their staff of installing artificial grass in the office.

First Impressions Count

Irrespective of whether we are talking about customers, visitors or prospective employees first impressions definitely count. When it comes to making a good first impression, having artificial grass installed at your office can be a great way to show your visitors and staff that you take pride in your surroundings. Let’s face it artificial grass is not your run-of-the-mill flooring for an office space, so it is bound to spark a discussion point. Let’s face it, it’s getting customers talking about your business can only be good for you. Artificial grass not only looks good but feels good underfoot so will put visitors at ease and make them keen to come back again.

Makes any Workspace Feel More Relaxed Environment

It is well known that your work surroundings especially colour can influence the mood of the people who are employed there. A happy workforce is a productive workforce and as such ensuring the working environment is bright spacious and relaxing is important. By installing artificial grass you can give your office a natural feel that will undoubtedly help promote that feeling of calm and relaxation. Green is a colour that promotes calm mainly due to its association with nature and outside spaces.

Artificial Grass is Non-Slip

One of the main causes of accidents in the workplace are trips and falls and installing artificial grass will help reduce the risk of that. Artificial grass is a non-slip surface that will allow staff to move around the office safely and in comfort. Heath and safety is an important consideration for any company these days and employers have a responsibility to ensuring the safety of both employees and visitors alike. Choosing artificial grass for your flooring will definitely go a long way to helping with this. Artificial grass is also easy to install and will fit neatly over traditional office floors like ceramic tiles and wood to make them safer.

 Artificial Grass is Fire-Resistant

Most kinds of artificial grass are fire retardant which is another important feature when it comes to health and safety. Having a fire-resistant flooring will mean that in the unfortunate event a fire breaks out it is unlikely that it will spread. In addition to the majority of artificial grass being fire retardant, it’s always a good idea to verify that it passes UNE EN 13501 12007 fire-retardant tests before purchasing yours.

Artificial Grass is Extremely Cost-Effective  

When compared to a lot of other flooring materials artificial grass is really cost-effective. Not only is it hard wearing and aesthetically pleasing, but it is relatively low maintenance. Installing artificial grass in your office is much cheaper than it would be in a garden as there is much less preparation work required. This means large areas can be covered at an affordable price especially in relation to the cost of other types of flooring such as carpets and tiles. While there is an initial outlay if it results in improved morale and increased productivity it will be money well spent.

So if you are looking for flooring for your office that will really make a statement hopefully this article will have given you some food for thought. 

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