5 Things to Know Before You Begin a Property Renovation Project

Change is an inevitable part of all aspects of life- and our home lives are no exception. As we spend so much of our time in our homes (even more so due to the ongoing pandemic), it’s no wonder we look for change in terms of interior design and in the structure of our properties. From lifestyle changes- such as starting a family which requires interior change and perhaps change to the exterior, to modernising a home, a new theme or style- home renovations are something all homeowners will do at least once in their life. Renovating your property can be a challenging experience, however the transformational change to your home can be rewarding. Each property renovation task you undertake will bring new challenges and unexpected twists, and there are plenty of tips and tricks that can help if you find yourself in a sticky home renovation situation. Additionally, home renovations are a great way to add value to the cost of your property, as it enables you to adjust your home to the property market, therefore making it more desirable while adding value onto the property. If you’re wondering “how can I sell my house fast?”, then home renovations are a perfect place to start. But before you begin, here at We Buy Any House have compiled a list of things you should know before you begin a property renovation project.

Start With a Building Survey:

Before renovating any part of your property- you should commission a chartered building surveyor. This is especially important if you are planning on doing any structural renovations, such as building an extension or doing a loft conversion. The price of a surveyor typically ranges from £500 to over £1,000, depending on the age, size and location of the house. However, they will highlight important issues such as problems with the roofing, damp or any structural movement- which can cause major damage if not assessed properly. 

Budgets and Quotes:

We all love to indulge in home-makeover TV shows- however they aren’t the greatest advisor when it comes to renovating your own home in terms of budget and expenses. It’s important that you don’t underestimate the cost of your renovation project, as this may result in you taking loans from the bank and ending up in financial hardship. Instead, before your project commences, sit down with your family/partner and work out how much things will cost- down to the last little details. Then, put some extra money aside in case anything goes wrong as an emergency fund.

Another thing to do is ask for an accurate estimate. Don’t trust the valuation of one person, seek several experts in that field and get an average estimate of the cost for specific jobs. Additionally, don’t rely on a ‘textimate’ (over the phone estimate). Encourage the local handyman in Champlin – or whichever contractor you have chosen to work with – to come and view your property in person, so they can see what they’re dealing with firsthand.

Create a Realistic Timeline:

In an ideal world, all renovation projects would be done at the click of a finger. However, unfortunately, in reality this isn’t always the case. It’s important to have a sense of realism about home renovation projects and understand that even though you have probably been given a rough estimate by contractors, there may be factors which implicate this. Prepare for things to take longer than assumed and try to avoid feelings of frustration by envisioning the finalised result. A tip to get around this is to order your new updates before you have the existing materials removed, so that there’s no waiting time.

Expect the Unexpected:

Midway through your home renovation, there may be an unexpected occurrence. Whether it’s regarding uneven floors due to a shifted center joist, a roofing problem or problem with your water system, this can have a huge impact on the time scale of the project. The renovations will stop, and you will have to source a specialist who can repair that specific issue- and then renovations will resume when the site is safe and legally sound. This is just one reason why it’s better to allocate extra time and money into your renovation project- so you are protected from unanticipated mishaps along the way.

Be Specific:

Time is money and money is time. Your home renovation will probably not be cheap, so its best to have a clear plan before you give the green light. Although things may crop up along the way, there are certain things that should be concrete throughout the process (no pun intended!). Where you plan for things such as your radiators to be positioned, sockets and lighting layout should all be thought of well in advance. After all, it’s you that will be struggling to use your phone whilst its charging. The same goes for interior design. Don’t be swayed by a designer that thinks they know your style and taste and want free reign (unless you’re comfortable and happy with this). Instead, pre plan the interior of your home, and if it can’t be an exact match, get something close.