How Swimming Pool Removal Works and What to Consider 

How Pool Removal Works


Having a swimming pool removed will be a complex process, in most cases. Even a simple above-ground pool must be drained, torn down, loaded up, and hauled away. Then, you have to worry about fixing the ground where the pool used to sit so that it looks better. If there is an in-ground pool, the pool removal process may be a little more in-depth. 

In-ground pools are generally just filled in. It’s the easiest way to do things without creating a bunch of damage along the way. Now, if there is a fiberglass shell in place, that will be removed before the hole is filled in. With concrete and other pools, though, filling is the solution for people who want to get rid of an in-ground pool. 

You’ll want to talk to an experienced pool professional about your pool and what it needs, whether that is removal or anything else. A professional will be able to accurately evaluate the situation, provide valuable insight, and might even suggest a renovation instead. 

Swimming pool renovations can allow you to give your pool a pick-me-up and enjoy a whole new space. You’re probably going to have to pay for pool removal anyway, so why not spend money on actually getting something instead? 

When pools are removed, this is what happens:

  • An assessment will be done to determine the scale and size of the project, along with timelines
  • The crew arrives and begins preparing the area near the pool for the removal process
  • In-ground pools that are being filled may need little to no prep
  • The pool sections are removed, piece by piece, unless it is a cement or other type of pool that can just be filled in when it’s set in-ground

You may also want to hire a landscaper to help you with getting your yard back in shape after having a pool removed, but that’s for another day. For now, just know that pool removal is a lot of work and you might well be better off just upgrading to a new pool. After all, you’re spending the money so shouldn’t you get some enjoyment out of it?

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