Reducing Sprinkler Overspray & Mist: A Step-by-Step Guide

A properly functioning sprinkler system is vital to the health of your lawn and landscape. When your grass does not get enough water, its health will suffer. If it is watered too much, then there is prime opportunity for lawn disease to form. The same goes for your landscape beds—too much water can lead to root rot, while not enough water weakens the overall structure of your landscape plants.

You need to monitor your sprinkler system to ensure it is putting out the correct amount of water and that it is not spraying sidewalks or driveways. Learn here about how to prevent sprinkler overspray and mist and ensure that your irrigation system is working correctly.

Install a sprinkler shield to redirect the spray.

One of the easiest methods to reduce sprinkler overspray is to install shields around them. These shields can be positioned at any angle to keep water from creating runoff that goes into storm drains or waters the fence or sidewalk. These shields can easily be purchased online and will put the water where it needs to go—into your yard, where it will have the most direct benefit. They can be used for shorter or taller sprinkler heads, depending on what type of irrigation equipment you have in your yard.

Without redirecting overspray and mist, you are paying to water items that do not need water, thus increasing your water bill and shelling out money each month for water that is going unused.

Put a drip irrigation system in your landscape beds.

To further save water and reduce mist and overspray, you can put a drip irrigation system into your landscape beds. This irrigation system works by depositing droplets of water underground right next to the roots of your plants. It is highly efficient and economical, and also helps to stop water from evaporating away before your plants can absorb it.

Drip irrigation systems are considered to be 90-95 percent effective, according to the Irrigation & Green Industry Magazine. Using these in your landscape beds will drastically cut down on the amount of water that could be wasted by improperly working sprinkler heads.

Consult with an irrigation contractor to have them assess the state of your system.

Professional irrigation contractors can run a diagnostic check of your sprinkler system to ensure that all components are working properly. An irrigation specialist can also check out each zone of your property to see that it has all been watered correctly. Sometimes, parts of your sprinkler system can break, causing them to overspray or leak. Common irrigation problems include:

  • Broken sprinkler heads
  • Leaking pipes
  • Malfunctioning timers
  • Busted pumps

Many of these issues can be avoided if you have an irrigation company perform spring start up and winterization services. They will maintain the system and get it prepared for either the winter or the upcoming spring and summer. Routine maintenance of your system is essential for it to work correctly. Sprinkler heads can break when someone is mowing and you may not notice at first. As with anyone you hire, make sure they have the correct certifications to work on irrigation, according to the University of Georgia.

Install WiFi controllers so you can easily keep track of when your lawn is watered.

There are many smart WiFI controllers that you can install to control your irrigation system. It can even be automated to keep the lawn watered at the proper time of the day, which is typically early in the morning. You can easily keep track and monitor the time and amount of water that is distributed. If you notice a discrepancy in water amounts, your system could be overwatering and in need of a check from an irrigation company.