Roof Replacement Orlando – How the Weather Affects Roofing in Orlando FL

Taking care of your roof is not easy! Most homeowners feel that washing the roof at frequent intervals and opting in for annual roofing inspection is enough. The truth is roof emergencies can occur anytime. Since the roof gets exposed to the weather and harsh elements, any significant changes in the weather might impact the roof condition. Excess heat, rainfall, and storms can damage the roof structure or affect it in small ways. The roofing contractor can decide the extent to which the damage gets done.

Homeowners must find an expert roofing contractor who can examine the roof after a weather instability. There are plenty of experts to count on today. To know more about this, you can check out Solar and Roofing Contractors in Central Florida | Revolution. Some of how weather affects your roof are:

  • Excess rainfall can lead to moisture build-up

Sudden rains, drizzle, or excess downpours are familiar in Orlando, FL. And that doesn’t affect the roofing structure to a considerable extent. However, when there are torrential rains accompanied by cloudy weather, there might be moisture build-up in the roof. Certain areas of the roofing structure might stay damp and be the breeding ground for algae, mold and other bacterial growth. It might not get visible to the naked eye but can create havoc if it gets ignored for the longest time. The roofing contractor can check the extent of the damage and suggest the correct solution. 

  • Devastating winds affect the shingles

Usually, with a disastrous wind the roof shingles can get swept off. It can even get broken at times and exhibit cracks. Also, extreme wind can bring debris deposits on the roof structure. Clearing the same is essential as that might result in unwanted load, which can gradually eat away the strength of the roof. Allow the roofing contractor to inspect the roof after heavy wind and suggest the best remedy to you.

  • Excess heat degrades roof

When your roof gets exposed to sunlight for a long time, the roofing material might get affected adversely! The old roofs tend to get affected more with sun damage. The asphalt shingles usually erode, buckle, or peel. It makes the wooden surface under the roofing structure get exposed to rain and sun, leading to water damage. You should check with a roofing contractor before summer to find the apt solution to avoid this sun damage and roof erosion.

  • Excess humidity

The humid and hot air can also lead to roof damage! There’s condensation under the shingles that can create leaks and water damage. It is necessary to opt-in for weatherproof roofing materials to resolve this issue. 

  • Thermal shocks 

Summer often results in thermal shock! Roofs usually contract when the weather is cold and expand when the heat is more. This constant expansion and contraction can decrease the lifespan of the roof and drain it physically. The old roofs split more and crack in the warm weather. 

Once you are aware of these weather impacts on the roof, you can invest in proper roof care and maintenance activities.