3 Ways to Spice Up Your Living Space

It’s normal to want your home, apartment, cabin, or wherever you spend your time to feel like a space that has your own personal style. There are a few small things you can do that will alter the look completely and make you feel like you’ve done an amazing job with the place. It does take some planning and knowing the best way to spice up your space before executing. Take these tips to give it the eclectic look you are going for! 

Start with the layout 

This is basically the framework of your apartment. Think about the furniture and rugs you have and where they will look the best. It is a good idea to consult with experts such as Karin Ross Designs when looking for tips and layouts for your home. Experts can help you decide whether your time and energy are best spent on your kitchen, bathroom or living room. Often, even knocking out a wall that is closing off the space can make a world of difference. 

Having too much furniture is never a good move for a welcoming space. It will leave you feeling aesthetically overwhelmed and mentally cluttered. Take some time to prioritize your decorations and furniture. Take a few unique things from your collection and use them as your display items. For example, a blanket you got on a trip to Thailand, or something special along those lines, can be thrown on a plain couch to make it look more colorful and lively

Don’t be afraid of color—in moderation 

You’ll find that there’s a fine line between the right amount of color and too much. Sometimes this takes awhile to find the right balance. A great piece to have is a velvet chair. This can give a living room texture and vibrance, while looking stylish. Think about carrying the color of cool pieces throughout the house. For example, choose dish towels and kitchen utensils that also compliment your living room and bathroom. In the bathroom, have a scented candle that relays the feeling you want throughout your living space. Having a few items in every room to tie the place together will give your place more character.

Having a cohesive color without going overboard is an art. Make sure to throw in some neutrals when thinking of shower curtain or bath towels. This is a great design strategy for the bathroom to make it look clean and simple, but with a pop of color from a candle or an art piece on the wall. 

It’s all about wall space

Taking advantage of your wall space is the last step in completing a home. Optimizing the chance to hang a cool piece is one you don’t want to miss. Even make the art yourself — it doesn’t have to be fancy. Think about where you like to see a visitor’s eyes drawn and use it as a chance to hang a neat print or an abstract piece you didn’t know what to do with. Use your wall space as an opportunity to hang the things you want to see. Make sure to leave some room so that you aren’t overwhelmed by things on the wall. Everything in moderation — even when it comes to home improvement. Don’t be afraid to take risks, then you can switch it up later. 

These tips are the best way to have an aesthetically pleasing home that is fun, lively and worth spending time in! You want to feel at home and that you are putting your best efforts forward for your own enjoyment. 

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