Tips For A Home Move

1. Pack Before You Estimate Anything

One of the first things that should be on your moving house list is packing. Packing before you get an estimate is a must if you want to get the most accurate estimate. Having everything packed up and ready to go before getting the estimate will make it very difficult for a moving company to add more expenses based on how much stuff you have. This can keep you from getting overcharged.

2. Box Everything

While you may assume that you can get by without boxing certain things up, you’ll want to box everything possible. This is especially true if you are going to be packing and moving a lot of things with unusual shapes. By boxing up all of your equipment and gear, you’ll be able to keep everything properly organized. This will help to make the packing process easier and it can even keep you from losing things. Doing all of this will help you from having some of your most valuable or favorite possessions getting messed up during transport. Purchase 3 wall Gaylord boxes to keep your belongings safe and secure on moving day.

3. Disassemble Furniture Prior To The Big Day

You’ll find moving day to be stressful enough as it is. The last thing you want to do is find yourself crawling on your knees trying to disassemble furniture. One of the best house moving tips that can help you prep better for moving day is by disassembling the furniture that isn’t going to be able to fit through the doorway before the move. Doing it ahead of time is going to save you a lot of stress and it can help you move as scheduled.

If you are looking to be even more organized, you’ll want to try to put some of the pre-prepared parts in a place that you’ll be able to easily grab when the time comes on moving day.

4. Get Everything Ready And Be Ready To Move

While this may sound like a simple tip, it’s very important to use. You’d be very surprised to find out how many people allow moving day to hit them like a ton of bricks. Don’t let moving day sneak up on you.

Save your moving team time and save yourself stress by being fully prepared to make the move. You want to have everything prepared and ready to go when the day comes. That way, you can reduce the stress and anxiety that comes with it.

5. Don’t Move Anything Useless

Try not to move anything that you don’t need to. Before beginning to throw things into boxes, you’ll want to curate everything. Try to figure out what you need and what you can get rid of. Do you need that ice cream-shaped plastic cup that’s 3-feet tall or that scooter you’ve not used for 4 years? Probably not. Therefore, you’ll want to go through things and either recycle, donate, sell or trash them. By sorting through your things before moving day, it can help you de-clutter your home and start on a fresh note. It will not only make your moving day easier but also your unpacking day.

6. Prioritize Logistics

Before speaking with a moving company, you’ll want to look at the overall logistics of your move. Try to figure out if there is something in your way that is obstructing things or that could present a challenge. Whether you have narrow hallways or a narrow door frame, you’ll want to think about how you will be moving things in and out during the big day. This can help you solve problems before they crop up during the moving day and cause you all kinds of stress.

7. Get Yourself A Self Storage Unit

After packing, moving, and unpacking, the process of getting to a new place with a bunch of boxes is likely to overwhelm anyone. By getting yourself a self-storage unit, you can tuck some things into it to make your moving day much more manageable. Figure out what you need to take with you to your new property and house some of the other stuff in a self-storage unit. This can help you break it down into increments to make the process more manageable.

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